The influence of a name on a person’s destiny. Karmic programs: invisible influence on fate

Have you noticed that sometimes things happen to you that seem to have nothing to do with you at all? They happen as if on their own, according to some incomprehensible scenario - and you have no influence on this scenario.

Sometimes something good happens... And sometimes, as if from a cornucopia, difficulties, troubles, problems pour in... And why this is so is unclear.

It didn’t seem to you, everything is so. There are things that you cannot influence without special knowledge and skills. There really is an outside influence throughout your life. And this is the influence of your family. The influence of seven generations.

God, what is this?

We don't know our ancestors. And this, in fact, would not be a problem if they did not have such a strong influence on us.

Can't get rid of some negative character traits, such as short temper or aggressiveness? Do you think that you are unlucky with men?

Perhaps (and even most likely) it’s not about you, but about the scenarios that you implement, and these scenarios are embedded in your subconscious.

I'll tell you one interesting example from my practice.

I have a client, Galina. Her grandmother accompanied her husband to the front during the war; he went missing. She raised her daughter Nina alone.

Nina grew up and met a man. At first everything went like clockwork: a beautiful wedding, love, happiness, Nina gives birth to a daughter, and the man suddenly disappears from her life! Nina is raising her daughter Galya alone, the same one who came to me.

Galina has only met married men all her life... And Galya herself understands perfectly well that she will not see happiness with married men, but she always steps on the same rake. Why is that?

Do you see the connection between destinies? Do you see that women of this kind implement the same scenario?

History repeats itself...

Or here's another example. This is not my client, but a family friend, Victor.

Victor is a normal, handsome man, quite positive. Remember how it happened in “Office Romance”? Nice boots, you should take them. Women seem to think the same thing when they see Victor. But they don’t stay with him for long.

Victor is a walking problem. It seems that as soon as he got back on his feet, got a good job, something suddenly happens - and he abruptly loses this job, and just yesterday he took out a loan, it’s unclear how to pay now. Or Victor started his own small business, everything seems to be going well, “all the moves are calculated” - and then suddenly the business “is closed.” And Victor is constantly in such a swing. And women need stability.

If you carefully study Victor's life story, something interesting will reveal itself. His parents lost all their savings with the collapse of the Soviet Union. And not only them, you say. Of course you're right.

But Victor’s grandparents fell into repression and were exiled to a small Siberian village, where they started life from scratch. And their parents also lost all their money, jewelry, house during the revolution...

In Victor's family, this story is passed down from generation to generation; Victor knows all the details and gladly tells them to anyone who is willing to listen.

That's it.

Let's take a closer look at how it all works.

7 generations – 7 turns of fate

Previously, it was believed that every person should know the history of his family up to the seventh generation, because these seven generations influence the life and fate of the person himself. The most terrible evil in ancient times was a curse to the seventh generation.

Today we know our relatives, at best, up to the fourth generation. Let's see what these seven generations are:

  • First generationI myself, living now.
  • Second generation- my parents.
  • Third - my grandparents.
  • Fourth - great-grandparents.
  • Fifth - great-great-grandparents, great-great-grandmothers.
  • Sixth - grandfathers of great-grandfathers.
  • Seventh – great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers.

Each generation of the clan is associated with a certain element, planet and its energy. For example, the first knee(s) is associated with the energy of the Sun. And perhaps the seventh knee can be called the most important, because it determines fate, destiny.

Let's talk in more detail about how each generation influences you.

Generation 1 – I – The Sun

Your manifestation in this world, your harmoniously developed personality

The Sun determines personality, vital energy (even in ancient times people understood that without the Sun life would not exist). The Sun occupies a primary place in astrology. Without a king there will be no kingdom, without a president– countries, your family starts with you.

The sun influences the manifestation of oneself as a person, the awareness of oneself as a particle of God, and the creative beginning.

A strong Sun gives a person self-confidence, allows him to easily demonstrate talents, and bring things he has started to their logical conclusion. And most importantly, a person understands what he wants in life and how to get there; he does not dwell on failures, but always moves forward.

What to do:

To strengthen the Sun, there are many psychological techniques. They allow you to raise and stabilize self-esteem, learn to see your uniqueness and value yourself. You need to develop the skills to openly state what you like and what you don’t like, set your boundaries, say yes and say no, based on your needs and wants, regardless of other people’s opinions.

Generation 2 – parents – Luna

Affects health, emotions, immediate environment

Parents are shown by the planet Moon, which is responsible for emotions, all-pervading and all-forgiving love, love without judgment. Only a mother and father can love a small creature, their child, with all their hearts. This is care, warmth, support, and mentoring.

This is the first smile of a mother when she bends over her baby. This is mother's milk (and in astrology milk is shown by the Moon): what nourishes the baby...

These are the strong arms of a father who confidently throw you over your head and will always pick you up– This is how you learn to trust this world, to understand that it is safe, abundant, cheerful and happy.

A strong Moon is the basis for everything; it gives stable positive emotions, on which relationships in the family and with partners, and with children, and with the world depend. A strong Moon will show a friendly attitude towards people and good health.

A weak Moon will show your internal, sometimes unconscious, grievances and complaints against your parents; they will corrode your psyche, destroy your personality from the inside, attracting to you relationships with partners that are obviously doomed to failure.

What to do:

There are techniques for forgiveness and repentance, but here it is important to understand that by performing one technique, it is impossible to restore the hole that is present in your life. It is not always possible to reset psychological blocks and traumas on your own. This requires comprehensive action.

Generation 3 – grandparents – Mercury

Influences intellectual potential, talents and communication skills

Grandmothers and grandfathers– this is Mercury. Through this generation, talents are instilled in the child, intelligence and sociability are transmitted. There were times when the whole family gathered at one table and the elders talked about how they lived and what they achieved. Some families still maintain this tradition. Children listen and learn to communicate; grandparents are more tolerant of their questions.

And, of course, Mercury shows all communications, the ability to build connections, is responsible for speech and the speed of thought processes. He is responsible for both competent, beautiful speech and writing.

In Alexander Pushkin’s life, his grandmother was “lost” by his nanny Arina Rodionovna. The fairy tales, parables, and songs she sang formed the basis for the masterpieces created by Pushkin and revealed his potential and genius.

A strong Mercury will show good, literate speech, the ability to convey your thoughts to your interlocutor, infect them with your enthusiasm, and give reasons for your actions and desires.

Mercury shows good learning ability, a person seems to grasp information on the fly, knows how to process it and use new knowledge in life.

Weak Mercury will show problems in assimilation of information, communication about nothing, empty pouring from empty to empty. When a person cannot communicate constructively, it is impossible to come to an agreement with him. Such a person, as they say, has a mess in his head.

What to do:

start by reading classics, watching classic films, improve your speech culture, learn to listen to your interlocutor, especially older people, even if it is difficult for you at first. Learn not to do everything at the last moment, quickly, bungledly. Wean yourself off making promises.

Generation 4 – great-grandparents – Venus

Influences the love scenario and material well-being

Great-grandparents– this is Venus. The nature of this planet lies in physical love and fertility, the desire to love and be loved, the establishment of harmony, the creation of beauty, the ability to want and desire, the ability to enjoy life.

Venus will tell you how your relationship with your partner will develop, what your earthly love will be like, what your potential is, what material benefits you can get in this world, and how you will use them.

Will you be able to increase them, or will everything disappear as if through your fingers?

Remember, you probably have friends who easily manage to find a well-paid job, who are always lucky: they receive bonuses, gifts, discounts... And there are those who are just not lucky: everyone was given a bonus, but they were detained, they work harder than anyone else. work, but no one notices...

Strong Venus will show aesthetics and beauty, acceptance of your body, you will see this in relaxed movements - a light gait “from the hip”, undeniable charm. People with strong Venus will always have money, and this amount will be enough for them, no matter what it is. Such people intuitively know where and how to invest money.

Weak Venus shows financial problems, repeated failures with partners or complete calm in your personal life, inability to dress harmoniously and unkempt appearance, lack of acceptance of your body.

What to do:

start by working on accepting your body, appearance, creating your image. Learn to feel (perceive) yourself first of all as a woman/man and only then as an employee, worker, etc. You must clearly understand why you need money and not be afraid to accept it into your life. Invest money in improving your quality of life.

Generation 5 – great-great-grandparents – Mars

Affects willpower

Great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers - the planet Mars will tell about them. This is a masculine aggressive planet, responsible for your actions and implementation of plans– how you interact with anyone, and especially with a team.

Mars reflects the ability to set a goal and achieve a result, to bring the matter to an end; it shows the ability not to dwell on the first failures, but to find ways and solutions to implement the plan, even if this requires aggression.

Planet Mars will show well the famous Russian commander Alexander Suvorov: his determination, ability to achieve his goal, his willpower and ability to raise an entire army into battle and lead him.

Weak Mars shows the aimlessness of life. You are like a leaf in a stream: wherever it takes you, there you will remain. In most cases, you fall under the influence of strong personalities and fulfill their wishes, arguing this with friendship.

You don’t see yourself in the future, you have no plans, and, accordingly, no energy.

Energy is given only for the implementation of your plans, which is why you trudge home after work, and from home you trudge to work in the same way. Work begins, oddly enough, with setting a goal, how you see yourself in 5 years and what you can do today to bring your dream closer. Go in for sports on a regular basis, set the goal of bringing any task to its logical conclusion.

Generation 6 – grandfathers of great-grandfathers – Jupiter

Affects position in society, social elevation

Grandfathers of great-grandfathers - This is Jupiter, the planet responsible for social status, exaltation, position in society, luck and luck. Shows growth, increase and expansion. In astrology she is called the Great Benefactor.

She magnifies everything that gets in her way like a magnifying glass.

The planet of great possibilities and realizations can play a cruel joke when it increases your laziness and passivity. It may also exaggerate your idea of ​​your own capabilities and prevent you from using your abilities correctly.

If you have a strong Jupiter, then patronage, connections, and help from the powers that be appear as if out of nowhere.

Weak Jupiter shows disrespect from superiors, lack of career growth, and general bad luck. For example, you are working and seem to be in good standing, you are looking for a promotion, but then they invite another candidate “from the street” or “their own man”, and you are left with your nose and also carry out a double load - for yourself and for the newfound bosses .

What to do:

the situation is worked through respect (in no case servility or blind adoration) of all the people around you, bosses and subordinates, employees and colleagues, through respect for your country and government.

Generation 7 – great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers – Saturn

Determines fate

Great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers - Saturn, this is fate, Fate, the great chronocrat, the great Teacher. Saturn teaches through discipline and order, bringing it to a new level of development.

By acquiring new experience, we create Destiny. But most perceive Saturn as a big problem: they seem to understand everything, but there is no desire to learn, to take responsibility for their lives. And the events that follow are perceived as cruel blows of fate.

You have a strong Saturn, if you sense time and know how to live in this flow, you are always in the right place at the right time. You understand, when it’s time to start a new business and it will start successfully, and when it’s time to complete the project. You intuitively feel the risks and can calculate them. You know how to develop useful skills and habits, creating your own better destiny.

Weak Saturn shows your inability to draw correct conclusions about the events that happen in your life, you always step on the same rake, you become more irresponsible, you yourself don’t understand why.

You place the blame for what is happening in your life on anyone, but not on yourself.

What to do:

processing begins with taking responsibility for your own life.

What else can you do?

It is, in general, possible to work through relationships and level up your destiny at the level of the first three generations. Nowadays there are widely available various techniques for self-development and self-love, working on the Sun.

Work on yourself– and you will get rid of those negative characteristics that you “inherited” from the two previous generations.

Relationships with parents when they are alive can also be worked out, even relationships with grandparents, if you try, you can have time to “sort it out”.

What is it for?

Agree, we all have some grievances that we carry with us from childhood. Sometimes we even revel in them, because sometimes we really want to feel unhappy and offended.

But any destructive emotions - unexpressed aggression, unconscious anxiety, constraining fear and rejection, lack of attention, resentment - undermine your life like a worm.

Do you think why your work, personal life or health are not going well? You are devouring yourself with negative programs that are formed in your subconscious and act on both the physical and energetic levels.

That’s why it’s so important to work through relationships with relatives. It's not enough to say “I'm sorry.” It's just a word. We constantly ask for forgiveness. For example, on Forgiveness Sunday. Tell me, what year have you been asking for forgiveness from the same people? And nothing changes– grievances do not go away, and illnesses remain in place. That is why it is so important to use special techniques and- attention! – do it together!

We remember that all seven generations have an important influence on all areas of our lives.

However, these days it is almost impossible to find the grave of a great-grandmother/great-grandfather: revolution, wars, migrations, migration– all this left its mark on the destinies of people.

Most families have no photographs or any belongings of their ancestors; we know almost nothing about our family.

We cannot draw energy from it.

When we are hit by any disease, the planets come onto the scene, and they can definitely show not only the disease itself and how to treat it, but also in which knee the weak point is located. By influencing it, you can align and establish connections between generations.

Don't waste time, do what you can now, improve your destiny!

Your turn!

If you want to be the master of your destiny, you want to know exactly what is happening and will happen to you, and how to avoid it, you want to direct the power and energy of the planets for your benefit, and also become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!

People can be roughly divided into two categories: those who believe that a person lives according to a predetermined scenario, and those who are sure that everyone chooses which path to follow. Many people are interested in what a person’s fate depends on, whether it can be recognized and changed, so let’s try to figure it all out.

The fate of a person - what is it?

A certain trajectory of movement towards the fulfillment of the Lord's destiny is called fate. The script of life has its end, but not everyone can recognize it. The huge interest in the future explains the popularity of various fortune telling, palmistry and other methods of discovering the secrets of the future. It is believed that human destiny is reflected on the hand, on. Man exists in the material and spiritual world and it is important to achieve harmony in these areas.

Each person's destiny is made up of a chain of certain life accidents, and when he deviates from the right path, many problems and troubles arise in his life. At birth, several options are offered for building your own life, and everyone can choose which path to follow. Another interesting fact that is worth emphasizing is that the word “fate” stands for “I will judge,” that is, depending on how people exercise the resulting freedom of choice, they acquire a certain value that is important for the universe.

Psychology of human destiny

Experts in the field of psychology prefer not to use the word “fate” and they use a neutral phrase - life scenario. This term refers to the path that a person subconsciously chooses for himself. Psychologists believe that a person who believes in the inevitability of fate often lets everything take its course, assuring that he is still unable to change anything. The opinions of some experts deserve special attention:

  1. Psychologist Bern assured that in childhood a child chooses his own life scenario, and this is influenced by his close environment and general environment. The specialist believes that people consciously strive for one thing, and subconsciously for another. To live happily, it is important to understand your own life scenario.
  2. An interesting view was suggested by Swiss psychologist Leopold Szondi. He believes that a person's fate is linked to heredity. The specialist introduced the concept of “ancestral unconscious,” which indicates that the experience of ancestors affects all aspects of life.

Does a person have a destiny?

To verify or refute the existence of a written life script, it is worth considering different versions:

  1. In Vedic culture, it is believed that at birth a person is given a certain number of years, children, money and other aspects.
  2. In finding out, it is worth remembering the numerous predictions of the future that came true.
  3. In Indian culture it is said that there are two karmas that mix and change life for better or worse. The first is a script destined from above, and the second is a person’s actions.

What does a person's fate depend on?

There are several factors that, according to many, can influence fate:

  1. Date of Birth. If you know not only the year and day of birth, but also the time, you can find out a lot of information about a person and even look into his future. There are different horoscopes that reveal accurate information. By date of birth, you can determine favorable and unfavorable events.
  2. Name. When understanding what influences a person’s destiny, it is worth mentioning the importance of the name, which is a certain information code. It helps to talk about behavioral characteristics and habits. Psychics believe that a person has a soul name that will reveal hidden potential and help him find his purpose in life.
  3. Place of Birth. It is believed that the magnetic field of the place where a person was born leaves an imprint on his life. This information must be taken into account when drawing up a horoscope.
  4. Upbringing. A child’s close environment not only leaves an energetic imprint on his life, but also gives impetus to psychological development. There is an assumption that the life program is built on the basis of the experience of ancestors, which is why it is said that the karma of the family influences the fate of a person.
  5. Social norms. Society forces people into certain frameworks and often, in order to change their destiny, it is necessary to go against the flow and get out of them.

How does character influence a person's destiny?

Many people believe that there is nothing in common between these two concepts, but in fact this is not the case. Fate is a specific program for a person’s earthly incarnation, which influences the events of life and the formation of his qualities. It is believed that by changing your lifestyle, you can adjust the future scenario. To understand whether a person’s character and fate are connected, we can consider the fate of famous people as examples:

  1. Dostoevsky was a gambling person, so he spent huge amounts of money and often got into conflict with people. Who knows what his fate would have been like if he had not changed after his marriage.
  2. Another example is Chekhov, who had a hot temper. To overcome his vices, he created an entire educational program “squeezing out a slave.” As a result, the man’s fate changed, and the world recognized a gentle and kind humanist.
  3. It is believed that even one character trait can radically change one’s fate; an example is the hero of the movie “Back to the Future”, who found himself in different situations because of his own pride.

Is it possible to change a person's destiny?

People, faced with various problems, wondered if there were ways to make adjustments to their life scenario. Esotericists and many psychologists, answering the question whether a person can change his destiny, give a positive answer, believing that everyone himself determines which path to choose from among numerous options. This can be done in different ways, for example, using magical practices and techniques. A person who believes in fate, by adjusting his life, according to the advice of psychologists, can change his future for the better.

How to change fate?

In order to rewrite the script of fate, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Life circumstances are shaped by a person's worldview. You can’t escape fate, but you can make adjustments to it:

  1. Learn , which should inspire, delight and motivate.
  2. Engage in self-development, for example, read books, go to courses, trainings, and so on.
  3. Change your lifestyle and, if necessary, your social circle, as this all affects your mood and worldview.
  4. Think positively and discard what is not at all necessary.
  5. Accept your life as it is.

The fate of man is esoteric

People who are associated with esotericism are sure that the life scenario has a direct connection with thoughts, since they, although many do not believe, are material. Without realizing it, a person can become a slave of his thoughts, which will predetermine life. If people have dark thoughts, then their fate will be filled with various problems and sad events. It is necessary to learn to think positively and immediately respond even to signs of the appearance of thoughts that can disrupt the harmony in the soul.

How does a tattoo affect a person’s destiny?

Esotericists and psychics claim that a design applied to the body can change a person’s life, since it has energy, so before going to the master, you need to find out about the meaning of the chosen tattoo. The influence of a tattoo on a person’s fate also depends on the place where it will be tattooed:

  • neck - helps to become more restrained;
  • hand – makes one uncompromising and a person loses flexibility in decision-making;
  • breasts – leads to isolation and lack of communication;
  • back - with such a tattoo a person will strive to prove his uniqueness;
  • buttocks - gives.

The influence of planets on human destiny

Even in ancient times, people believed that the planets influence a person, revealing and filling his personality. Knowing the time and place of birth, you can find out how the planets were located at that moment. There is an opinion that you can fully understand how a person’s fate develops thanks to the planets:

  1. Mars. Gives a person a warlike character and forces him to develop willpower.
  2. Sun. The celestial body is responsible for energy. Under the influence of the Sun, it is necessary to learn not to become discouraged.
  3. Venus. Represents the relationship between a man and a woman. Lesson from Venus - it is important to learn to build relationships and let go of the past.
  4. Saturn. This planet is considered a karmic teacher, so it teaches how to survive and cope with difficulties.
  5. Jupiter. Patron of luck and prosperity. The lessons that can be learned from this planet are poverty, fanaticism and addiction.
  6. Mercury. She is responsible for communication and helps to establish contact with people.

Signs of fate on the human body

It is believed that numerous moles, birthmarks and even acne are, thanks to which you can learn a lot of information. Large dark or bright spots in most cases indicate the need to work off karma. If they have just appeared on the body, then this indicates certain life changes. All signs in a person’s destiny have their own meaning, for example, a mole on the bridge of the nose indicates untapped talents, and if it is on the nose, it means that the person will be favored by good luck in life.

Films about the fate of man

Cinema regularly delights the public with interesting films that tell interesting and sometimes unusual stories about the destinies of people. Among the worthwhile films are the following:

  1. "Desert Flower". This is the story of a girl from Somalia who ran away from home at the age of 13 and after some time life brought her to London. Defying fate, she became a famous model who was eventually appointed as a special UN ambassador.
  2. "12 years of slavery". The main character of this film had everything a person needs: a job, a home, education and family, but fate had something completely different in store for him. One day he was offered an attractive job in another state, but ended up being kidnapped and forced into slavery.

Books about people's destinies

In many literary works, at the center of the plot is a person with a difficult or interesting fate, which the author talks about. Examples include the following books:

  1. "Companion" L. Moriarty. This work tells the story of two different women who are opposite to each other. The difficult fate of each brings them together and in the end they prove that everyone can change.
  2. "Dyatlov Pass, or the Secret of the Nine" A. Matveeva. The tragic story, which remained unsolved, interested many. From this book you can understand that life and fate are unpredictable.

How to influence fate? Is this possible in principle? Why does life teach us lessons and how to respond to them? So many questions, isn't it? Let's try to understand them, look for answers where they can and cannot be according to our logic. And let's start from the moment of human birth...

Who lays the life program in us?

Everyone knows from school that many character traits and external signs of a person are encoded in biological codes - DNA. DNA fragments are each responsible for their own area - eye color, hair color, learning ability, toughness or softness of character. As they say, you can’t argue with nature. And why?! So she makes up each of us from a mosaic. Just as we put puzzles together in childhood into the big picture, so genetics programs our, our destiny.

Although, by and large, you shouldn’t blame everything on DNA and nature. What is inherent in us from birth is one thing. But there is much more that leaves its mark on the life path of each individual.


There is an opinion that the name given to us at birth influences our destiny, our future. Therefore, those brave souls who dare to change their name as adults are trying to change the individual course of their history. Whether this has a positive effect or not remains a mystery, because... no one knows what is better for a person and what is worse. After all, everything that is given to him is given for his own good. Many may argue with this, but the fact remains a fact. It’s just that evil is not inherent in nature from the very beginning.

Great personalities, artists and writers who took pseudonyms went down in history, but not thanks to new names, but rather through their deeds, discoveries, and talents. And fictitious names are only beacons in people’s memory, distinguishing them from the crowd.


Whatever Mother Nature puts into our genes, the influence of parents and teachers cannot be underestimated. This is how we are designed, that while still in the womb, we already internalize it, emotions, habits and preferences. We hear her voice and recognize it without fail both after birth and in adulthood. Parents do not always think about the fact that they are heard, seen and copied in their behavior, words and even thoughts. And those who realize this see, first of all, a personality from the very beginning. And it is right. It is in such families that people who are least susceptible to various diseases grow up. And these last ones, oh how they interfere with the full development of a harmonious person! After all, the energy that he spends on overcoming anxiety and fears could be used to achieve some goals, for the benefit of himself and society as a whole.

Birth programs

Among other things, the fate of a person is influenced by the so-called generic programs. What is it? We have already emphasized more than once that nothing happens for nothing, everything has its own explanation and one follows from the other. In this case, it is meant that the explanation of events in the fate of a particular person can be found in past generations, or others; the life of ancestors determines the fate of descendants.

Surely many have heard about generational curses. These are, of course, worst-case scenarios, but they are not that rare. That is why we all should be more conscious and attentive to our words, thoughts, emotions, especially in the midst of ardor. Because after a while the quarrel will be forgotten, but the negativity will not go anywhere, it will hide somewhere and begin its destructive activities.

In general, it is necessary to say separately about the way of life not according to conscience. Those people who deny justice, as well as other virtues, develop and release destructive virtues into the world, which produces its detrimental effect on other people. This energy then boomerangs back to its source or its descendants, continuing its destruction.

Programming life in communication

Wise people differ from others in that they see the essence of things, look deeper and therefore make fewer mistakes. Although no one is safe from them. It's not as scary to make a mistake as it is to not learn from it. A popular saying goes: “A smart man learns from the mistakes of others, but a fool learns from his own.”

Man is a social being. His life passes in communication with his own kind. These interactions do not go unnoticed by our psyche. We all influence each other. There is an American film “The Butterfly Effect”, which perfectly illustrates the fact that the slightest detail can radically change the fate of a person or group of people. And further developments may go completely unplanned. Although here, too, the reader’s attention should be focused on the fact that controlling life or destiny is difficult and not always desirable, because man does not know what is best for his good. You just have to be aware, take responsibility for your life and trust your fate. In no case do I advise entrusting your destiny to various soothsayers, sorcerers and fortune tellers. Because the latter usually program the gullible visitor for a certain development of events. And, as you know, words can both cure and kill...

How to influence fate? Are we capable of changing our own program?

There is an opinion that a person has no control over his destiny. That only God determines what he is destined for in this life. This is probably true for the most part. However, why are there people who challenge fate and turn history back?! There are not many of them, but they exist. Those who did not accept disability and regained the joy of life, or did not agree to die from a fatal disease. Surely each of you will remember at least one name...

So what or who determines our destiny? I think it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Life is very complex and at the same time incredibly simple. Very often we complicate it ourselves by focusing on unimportant issues. False goals can be upsetting when insight comes and a person looks back on the path traveled. And it seems that nothing can be changed... But this is not so! It's never too late to stop, realize and make a new decision.

Awareness is the main lever of fate. A blind kitten pokes into its mother's fur and finally finds the source of life. Later, having regained his sight, he sees much more around him. He comes to realize the majesty of the world, where there are many opportunities.

We are like this kitten. While we are blind, we see no other chances except the immediate environment. Having gained insight, the probability of conquering peaks increases tenfold.

It is within our power to remain blind and drag out a miserable existence in an ocean of negativity. Or challenge fate and begin to change it hourly, every minute, reconsidering life values ​​and priorities. You just have to start and life itself will tell you the direction of the path.

With all my heart I wish you to find strength and your own path in the ocean of opportunities!

Now listen to the advice of psychologist Natalya Tolstoy about programming your life through positive thinking:

I also offer you a fragment of the above-mentioned film “The Butterfly Effect”, which makes everyone think...


Believe it or not...

A case from one's life.

A married couple lived in a neighboring house on our street. Elena and Alexander were friendly, friendly, sympathetic young people. Everything was going well for them, everything was wonderful except for one thing - the Lord did not give them children for a long time. For two years in a row, Elena went every Sunday to services at the Florovsky convent in Podol and prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows” in the hope of a miracle. And a miracle happened! The Mother of God quenched the young woman’s sadness by sending the long-awaited baby. There was no limit to the joy of the spouses and all the relatives. However, this joy was soon overshadowed by completely stupid disputes that arose among relatives.
As soon as Lena found out that she was going to become a mother, she announced that she would name her son in honor of her deceased father, whom she doted on. Vasily Alexandrovich, Elena’s father, was the favorite of our entire small street, where everyone knew each other. The kindest man, a jack of all trades, when he died many were very sorry. And the daughter’s desire to name her son in his memory was completely understandable. But it was not there! My aunt, my father’s sister, opposed this most strongly. What Lena didn’t listen to from her: you can’t name a child in honor of a dead person - he will be unhappy, he will repeat his fate; The fact that his middle name will be the same as the deceased’s is completely unacceptable! Better yet, give the child two different names: one according to the passport and a completely different one at baptism. And in general, you just need to choose some beautiful and happy name. In general, all kinds of superstitious fabrications that plunged the expectant mother into despair. And to top it all off, the aunt also promised that if Lena did not listen to her and acted in her own way, then she would not even appear at the christening. Lena had to be calmed down, and our parish priest had to carry out explanatory work with her aunt.
This case is no exception. Rather, it's the other way around. Conversations and thoughts about a child’s name begin in many families long before the child’s birth. And it must be said that quite a lot of superstitions are associated with the tradition of naming a name. And the very first of them is that a name can determine a person’s destiny, influence it and shape character. Therefore, it is undesirable to give children the names of deceased relatives, the names of people with unhappy destinies, and even the names of saints who suffered a difficult martyrdom.

Where did these misconceptions come from?

It is possible that some of these prejudices have been preserved since pre-Christian times. And this, as a rule, is connected with pagan ideas about fate as an inevitable fate and with the cult of ancestors, which assumes some kind of posthumous mystical connection between relatives of the same tribe.
There is a whole science of anthroponymy that studies the origin of names and the information contained in them. However, this science has nothing in common with all kinds of pseudo-scientific theories existing today and the widespread literature about names, which is very popular among the population. One part of these theories is based on a social concept, the other looks for a mechanism of influence on the formation of a person’s character in the emotional, sound and even color features of a name. Supporters of such judgments believe that each name carries information about a person’s inclinations, talents, his ability to build relationships, behave in one way or another in society, and even about his state of health. And, relying on this knowledge, they are advised to be guided by it, for example, when hiring a person, since there is supposedly a certain pattern that appears among owners of the same names. Is it so?
No one will dispute the fact that the role of a person’s personal name in society is quite large. A pronounced name is almost always associated with its bearer, with a set of certain personality qualities, with its image and character. “Names express the nature of things,” wrote the Orthodox theologian and philosopher priest Pavel Florensky, who devoted one of his works to the study of names. “Before a name, a person is not yet a person,” he noted. And indeed, we find justification for this statement in the Holy Scriptures.

About choosing a name - in the Bible

The initial example of naming was taught by the Lord God Himself after the creation of the first man (Gen. 2:25), whom he also endowed with the same gift (Gen. 2:19-20). Further biblical narrative shows that the names that appeared on the pages of Scripture reflected the special functions of their bearers for sacred history. In some cases, they changed to mark a person’s new calling: Abram to Abraham (Gen. 17:5), Jacob to Israel (Gen. 32:24-30). Often names contained wishes about some specific future qualities of the baby or the type of his activity, or were given with an incentive to capture some events or incidents related to the circumstances of the birth of the child (Gen. 25:25, 29:32-34, 30:18 -24, 35:18, Ex.2:22). Moses, which means “saved from the water,” was so called because he was taken out of the water (Ex. 2:10); the future prophet Samuel (asked from God) was actually asked by his mother from the Lord (1 Sam. 1:20). As a rule, mothers and fathers saw their born babies first. It was they who noticed certain characteristic features, not yet entirely perceptible to outsiders, on the basis of which they called their children one name or another, reflecting the behavior or appearance of the future personality: Esau - shaggy, Nabal - stupid.

A name makes/ugles a person, or a person - a name

However, nowhere on the pages of the Bible do we find any direct indications or facts indicating that a name could somehow “program” a person’s life. Moreover, it is clear from Sacred History that many of its heroes, bearing the same names, had completely different fates. Among the Judahs mentioned in the Bible (praise be to Jehovah), there is also the founder of one of the tribes of Israel (Gen. 35:23), and the famous defender of the faith and fatherland, Judah Maccabee (1 Maccabees 2:4), and the leader of the rebels (Acts 5:37 ), and the apostle Judas Thaddeus (Luke 6:16), and, finally, Judas Iscariot (Matthew 10:4), who forever tarnished this name with betrayal. These facts indicate that only a person’s life and actions fill a name with meaning and can change its meaning, but it is impossible to convey through a name the qualities and properties that are formed as a result of upbringing or in the process of life.
Our ancestress Eve, knowing about God’s promise regarding the future savior, hoped that its fulfillment would be realized with the birth of her first-born. That is why she named her son Cain, considering him an acquisition from the Lord (Gen. 4:1). According to the logic of those who believe that a name can determine the fate of an individual, Cain's life should have corresponded to it. However, he went down in history as the first murderer, who can hardly be associated with “a gain from the Lord.” And, on the contrary, Abel (vanity, insignificance) turned out to be a God-loving man and became the first innocent victim (Gen. 4:8).
In general, the story that happened with Cain and Abel is a vivid example of the fact that the life of an individual depends not on the name, but on her free will and on the choice she makes. The words of the Lord “if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he draws you to himself, but you must rule over him” were addressed not only to Cain, but to all humanity (Gen. 4:7).

Should a baby be named after a deceased relative?

There are also special names in the Bible that, even before the birth of their bearers, contained prophetic indications of a future mission. So it was with John the Baptist (the grace of God) (Luke 1:13), so it was with Our Savior Jesus Christ Himself (Luke 1:31). In the traditions of the Jewish people in later times, it was customary to choose a name for a newborn from the well-known names of the family - father, grandfather or other respected relatives. And no one was afraid that the name of a deceased relative would harm the baby. The ancient pagan peoples, who apostatized from God and fell into idolatry, believed that the name of a born baby should be kept secret so that evil spirits could not harm him. Therefore, in order to mislead these spirits, they tried to give the child several names, hiding the original one. Some primitive tribes believed that if you name a baby after a deceased relative, you can thus transfer the soul of the deceased into the newborn, and then the fate of the child will be similar to the fate of his predecessor. Apparently, even after the adoption of Christianity, echoes of these beliefs have survived to our time in the form of various superstitions.
It should be noted that in Christianity there is no concept of fate in its generally accepted representation as some kind of deterministic inevitability or fate. From the point of view of the Christian religion, the determination of fate includes the realization of a person’s destiny, aimed at revealing in him the Image and Likeness of God. It is not blind fate or insidious chance, not impersonal physical laws that govern human life, but Divine Providence or Providence. In Orthodoxy there is a doctrine of predestination, which states that we are all predestined to salvation. All people, according to God's plan, have one destiny - to find themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven. “For this is good and pleasing to God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,” writes the Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 2:3-4). The good Providence of God directs a person to salvation, helps a person, pushes him on the path of righteousness. However, the implementation of this predestination depends solely on our free choice. Therefore, predestination is conditional. And in this regard, a person’s name does not in the least affect his life path and, even more so, his future eternal destiny.

Orthodox tradition and debunking myths

Orthodoxy has its own centuries-old tradition of naming. Previously, the naming of a Christian name, according to the charter of the Church, was performed before baptism on the eighth day after the birth of a baby - following the example of the Savior Christ (Luke 2:21), and was one of the preparatory actions for it. Currently, naming usually occurs on the day of Epiphany, before the rite of announcement. Thus, at Baptism, a person received a name from the Church, which was chosen according to one of several rules. Most often, the child was named after a saint, whose memory fell either on his birthday, or on the day of naming, or on the day of Baptism.
Today, Baptism is preceded by the civil registration of a newborn. By this point, parents have already, as a rule, decided on a name, which is included in the birth certificate. If the chosen name is not in the Orthodox monthly book, then the priest recommends choosing an Orthodox name that is similar in sound. At one time there was a custom in our society to give children names in the Western European form: Angela, Zhanna, Ilona, ​​Jan, Leon. The priest translated such names into Church Slavonic form when performing the Sacrament of Baptism. It happens that a child is named by vow, in honor of a certain saint, whom they chose in advance and prayed to. However, everything related to naming is advisory in nature, and parents have the right to choose any name for their child.
The Christian tradition of naming children after saints is an educational measure. It is very important to have a positive life example and role model for the moral development of an individual. But in order for a person’s life standards to coincide with the life principles of a saint, appropriate education and volitional efforts of the individual himself are necessary. The name of a saint does not make a person a saint. There are no lucky or unlucky names. There are simply names that are difficult to pronounce and difficult to remember, which can become a reason for jokes at the expense of a person. You just need to prudently avoid such names, using prudence:

If only you are smart
You won't let the guys
So many fancy names
Like Proton and Atom.

Let father and mother understand
What's with this nickname?
The century will have to last
To the ill-fated children, -
Soviet poet Samuil Marshak once wrote in his poem “In Defense of Children.” It is also an absolute misconception that the character of a girl can be influenced by a name given to her that is of masculine origin: Alexandra, Vasilisa, Theodora, etc. If the parents of such a daughter give her the right upbringing, then her innate femininity will never turn into masculinity. It is not the name that creates a person’s destiny, but the person who spiritualizes the name with his life and actions.
...At the end of this spring, I met a joyful Elena on the street, walking with a stroller, in which the wonderful baby Vasily was snoring peacefully and royally, completely unaware of the battles that broke out among relatives even before his birth. Heaven itself stood up for this child, begged by his mother from God. Ahead of all deadlines, he was born on the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and on the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Great. The need to choose a name resolved itself.

No one can change their date of birth. You can put the wrong one in your passport, but the minutes when the person was born will remain the same. And it is these numbers that speak about the talents, skills and weaknesses of the individual. There are hundreds of horoscopes that give very accurate personality characteristics according to. Do not neglect individual forecasts; they very often come true. There is no need to start something new at a bad time so that everything will turn out much better in the future.

A name influences a person's destiny

A name is not just a set of sounds, it is a code that carries a lot of information. The name contains hidden behavioral characteristics and habits. And the surname can speak for the family, for the characteristics of the life of the ancestors, which also influence the future. Modern psychics can find out the name of the soul, if it does not coincide with what the parents gave, it can be used in life as a nickname. The name of the soul allows you to use the hidden potential of a person, helps him to realize himself and find his purpose.

Place of birth and fate of a person

Geographic location is also related to the future. A child is born in a specific place, this cannot be corrected. This information is taken into account when compiling horoscopes. The characteristics of the magnetic field leave an imprint on the baby, the energy of the place supports the child in the process of growth. Even if upbringing takes place in another territory, the connection with the original point remains, and it influences fate.

The influence of education on a person’s future

Family or its absence leaves not only an energetic imprint, but also gives psychological development. Parents or other people present information about life, how the world works, how to exist in it. Most information is transmitted not through words, but through the information field. But more than 80% of all human reactions are formed before the age of 4, and they are completely copied from those closest to them. The life program is copied from the ancestors, and sometimes in order to change fate it is necessary to rewrite the original data.

Social norms in the fate of the individual

Social frameworks are very significant for a person; any communication helps expand ideas about the world. But every social stratum has limits, and it can be very difficult to overcome them. It is the stereotypes and rules of society that prevent people from moving to a higher level. Many do not achieve success not because of a lack of talent, but because of ingrained attitudes that were widespread in the environment of their upbringing. And although it seems that it is fate that does not work out, it is simply the inability to go beyond the framework and influence the future.

It is impossible to influence the place of birth and date. But the programs that are laid down by upbringing and society can be changed. To do this, you need to learn to notice them and control the behavior that is associated with them. It is possible to change your destiny, but it will require a lot of effort. - Boat arrangement. Rubber and plastic. Boat motors