Job description of the class teacher

Job description of the class teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher. 1.2. The class teacher belongs to the category of specialists
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Research methods in biology – Knowledge Hypermarket

Methods of biological research Traditional methods in biology. Biology is a science that obtains information about living nature using various research methods. A method (Greek methodos - “path to something”) is a way to achieve a goal. Methods express a definition
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Presentation on the topic of methods of teaching stylistics

Stylistics of the Russian languageRussian as a foreign language What is stylistics?“Stylistics is the linguistic science of the means of speech expression and the patterns of language functioning, determined by the most appropriate use of languages
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Pies with cabbage in the oven

Baking isn't just about sweets. Russian cuisine is famous for its hearty pies with a variety of juicy fillings. Variations of pies and pies with cabbage, egg and onion are considered one of the most budget-friendly and simple products available in terms of price and availability.
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Coursework: Risk and insurance

Let's consider the classical decision-making scheme under conditions of uncertainty. Let us recall that a financial operation is an operation whose initial and final states have a monetary value, and the purpose of which is to maximize income - the difference
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Pork rib soup recipe with noodles

Ingredients: pork ribs - 300 grams; noodles - 1 glass; onions - 1 pc.; small carrots - 1 pc.; salt - 1 tbsp. spoon; vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoon; greens - to taste. water - 2 liters. How to make pork ribs soup:1. Before you start cooking
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Shortbread pie with berries and sour cream filling How to make jellied pie with berries

In our article we will tell you how to make a quick berry pie. Various recipes will be considered. You will choose the one that suits all your criteria. We will tell you how to make a jellied pie or pastry from puff pastry. There will also be dessert with
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Tomato puree soup (classic recipe)

Tomato soup is a classic. World recipes for making soups with tomatoes: tasty, healthy, unusual You can diversify the menu of first courses with the help of simple interesting recipes for making soup with tomatoes. It would seem that you added a tomato to the frying for
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Ablution in Islam: ghusl, taharat, order of their performance

1. First of all, you must have the intention to perform ablution for the purpose of performing prayer or simply for the sake of being in a state of ritual purity. It is important to have a deep intention in your heart, but saying your intention out loud is still advisable. 2.
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Karmic programs: invisible influence on fate

Have you noticed that sometimes things happen to you that seem to have nothing to do with you at all? They happen as if on their own, according to some incomprehensible scenario - and you have no influence on this scenario. Sometimes something good happens
More details - Boat arrangement. Rubber and plastic. Boat motors