Displacement small vessels. Small vessels, types and basic definitions

By ship   called engineering structure, able to navigate through the water and carry the goods and people. Thus, the ship will be a kayak and an ocean liner. Vessels built for military purposes and part of the Navy are called ships.

Small vessels   used for hiking and walking, fishing and hunting, sports, etc. They are widely used for the needs of the national economy. In many areas (especially in Siberia) small-sized vessels are the main means of transport for individual use during the navigation period.

On all rowing vessels both onboard, and outboard or stationary outboard motors can be used (except for academic rowing boats). On sailing yachts may need to move under the motor. When using a motor, rowing and sailing vessels are subject to all rules relating to vessels with mechanical engines.

Modes of movement of small-sized motor ships are different: they are displacement and gliding vessels, hydrofoil ships   and air cushion.

Displacement vessels   (Fig. 1) are always maintained afloat only at the expense of the Archimedean "force of maintenance", equal to the mass of water displaced by the vessel.

Displacement vessels, although they have the highest seaworthiness compared to other vessels, their speed is significantly lower than the latter.

Planning ships   (Fig. 2) are kept afloat in a fixed state due to the same “supporting force” as displacement vessels. With an increase in speed, gliding vessels are supported on the water already due to the dynamic lifting forces arising on flat bottom sections. A gliding ship begins to glide when its flat bottom is located at an angle of attack to the water surface of 3-6 ° at a certain minimum speed, depending on the total weight of the ship with equipment, engine and passengers.

TO motorboats (motorboats)   All commercially produced pleasure craft with outboard motors are included. Motorboats are also called home-made vessels with low-power stationary outboard engines, operated in a displacement mode. Such boats of local construction, in contrast to gliding, have relatively smooth contours.

Boats are small boats with a stationary engine. Service boats can be built for operation in gliding and displacement modes of motion. Boats of increased seaworthiness have a deck, cockpit, superstructure.

Nautical motorboats and boats, usually 6-8 m in length with boat (displacement) contours, intended for navigation on open water spaces and in the mouths of large rivers, are called bots or motor bots and various local names.

Bots are usually a superstructure and stationary engine. Bots that have both an engine and a sail are called motor sailing bots   (Fig. 3). Bots are divided depending on the tasks that they perform, on the pilot, fishing, rescue, diving, etc.

All rowing boats and those that are regular floating craft of ships and vessels of all types of fleet belong to the boats. They serve for the rescue of people, transport (communication with the coast and other vessels, etc.) and special (delivery of anchors, outboard and other work) purposes. Therefore, the boats are called - rescue, workers, etc.

Yachts are, first of all, sailing, as well as motor, motor-sailing vessels of various sizes designed for water recreation, tourism and sports. From here is a motor yacht, motor sailing and just sailing.

Gliding is a motorized vessel with redans - transverse ledges on the bottom (usually one, rarely several). Single racing speedboats with outboard engines are called scooters. If a small ship to increase the speed of travel has underwater wings, then it is called a boat (motorboat) on hydrofoil.

Small vessels are swimming facilities that are equipped with engines of less than 75 horsepower. This category includes sailing and non-propelled units, the power indicator of which is regulated by register units. They should be no more than 80 tons with a gross tonnage of less than 10 registers (in tons). In addition, this area includes kayaks, rowing boats and inflatable vessels with a carrying capacity of 100-225 kilograms.

general information

Small vessels are engineering structures focused on transporting a certain number of passengers or cargo. The options under consideration are intended for hiking, fishing and sports competitions. Often these boats are used in the spheres of national economy, especially in the regions of Siberia and the Volga region.

On vehicles used onboard, mounted or stationary power units. It can also be operated by a motor if towing is necessary in difficult climatic conditions. The basic rules apply to all swimming equipment, classified as a class of fixtures with mechanical power plants.


Small vessels can be divided into the following categories:

  • Displacement options. They are maintained afloat thanks to the Archimedean law, which is based on maintaining at the expense of a mass of water equal to the volume displaced by the swimming means. The speed of such specimens is lower than analogues, despite a decent seaworthiness indicator.
  • Gliders. These small boats in a stationary state are kept afloat due to the supporting force and displacement. With an increase in speed, the gliding models perform maneuvers due to the dynamic lifting force that is formed in the flat bottom compartments. Gliding begins when the bottom part is located at an angle of attack of about 3-6 degrees. This indicator is also affected by the workload of the swimming facility and the equipment available.

Management of small size vessels of another type

This class includes all categories of motor boats, pleasure craft, home-made copies with low-powered outboard or stationary engines, gliding in displacement mode.

Boats are small vessels equipped with a stationary type power unit. Swimming equipment is used for walking, as well as special machines. Models with increased seaworthiness are equipped with deck, cockpit and superstructure. These structures have a length of no more than 8 meters, are operated mainly in open reservoirs and the mouths of large rivers, are equipped with boat contours. Such mechanisms are also called bots. In addition to the stationary motor, they may have sailing equipment. Swimming facilities of this type are divided into fishing, rescue and pilot categories.

Boats and Yachts

Consider a few more types of small boats, navigators who manage them with the help of motors or sails:

  1. Boats. This category includes the type of rowing boats with the ability to use outboard motors. They serve to save people, perform transportation tasks and special missions. Depending on the destination, the boats are ranked among the rescue, working, transport, walking class.
  2. Yachts are predominantly sailing or engine-sailing vessels that have a different displacement and are intended for recreation, tourism or sports.
  3. Speedboats - motorized boats, equipped with transverse slides in the form of ledges on the bottom. Single models in this category are also called scooters. A motor boat with wings is often referred to as a hydrofoil boat.

Small Vessel Management Rights

Operation of the considered category of swimming facilities is allowed after their registration in the ship's book with registration marks and technical inspection. The survey allows you to determine the maximum power of the boat, its profile and purpose. The board must be equipped with all necessary safety equipment, including fire-fighting equipment, signal lights and navigation equipment.

State registration is carried out by the relevant control authorities. To manage small vessels can persons who have passed examinations for the right to manage this category of transport. Water bodies without navigational conditions are used in the transport direction, taking into account right-hand traffic (left sides).

The nominal speed of movement within the settlements, as well as the berths are regulated by the inspection of small vessels, in accordance with regulatory acts and applicable law.


The rights to control small vessels allow to operate the unit for its intended purpose. In any case, the following are prohibited in the operation and maintenance of such facilities:

  • Use a vessel that has not passed the state registration.
  • To convert vehicles without obtaining special permission.
  • To operate a boat or a boat in a state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication.
  • To transfer control to a person who does not have the right to drive small boats.
  • Exceed rated speed limit.
  • Damage to other sides or technical identification signs.
  • Go to the closed areas for swimming without a permit.
  • Maneuver in the waters of the beaches and crowds.

Malfunctions that prohibit the operation of "malomerok"

Operation and navigation of small vessels is prohibited in the presence of the following faults:

  • The occurrence of through holes in the housing.
  • Depressurization of air boxes or sealed compartments.
  • The absence of fastening elements of the steering column or damage, affecting the reliability of this site.
  • Observation of fuel leaks, excessive vibration, malfunction of the muffler or reverse gear.
  • Non-compliance with the standards of equipment and equipment specified in the ship's ticket.
  • Malfunction or lack of signal lights and rescue equipment.

Obligations of the master

This list includes several key points, namely:

  • Compliance with the requirements of state regulations.
  • Check the vessel before each departure.
  • Briefing for passengers about the behavior on the craft, as well as ensuring their safety.
  • The presence of documentary evidence of the right to small size vessels and their management.
  • Compliance with the requirements of inspection bodies and authorized persons.
  A ship is an engineering structure that can navigate through water and carry loads and people. Thus, the ship will be a kayak and an ocean liner. Vessels built for military purposes and part of the Navy are called ships.

   Small vessels
  used for hiking and walking, fishing and hunting, sports, etc. They are widely used for the needs of the national economy. In many areas (especially in Siberia) small-sized vessels are the main means of transport for individual use during the navigation period.

On all rowing vessels both onboard, and outboard or stationary outboard motors can be used (except for academic rowing boats). On sailing yachts may need to move under the motor. When using a motor, rowing and sailing vessels are subject to all rules relating to vessels with mechanical engines.

Modes of movement of small-sized motor vessels are different: they are displacement and gliding vessels, hydrofoils and air cushion vessels.

Displacement vessels are always maintained afloat only by the Archimedean “sustaining force” equal to the mass of water displaced by the vessel.

Displacement vessels, although they have the highest seaworthiness compared to other vessels, their speed is significantly lower than the latter.

Small vessels, types and basic definitions

  Gliding ships in a fixed state are kept afloat due to the same “supporting force” as displacement ships. With an increase in speed, gliding vessels are supported on the water already due to the dynamic lifting forces arising on flat bottom sections. A gliding ship begins to glide when its flat bottom is located at an angle of attack to the water surface of 3-6 ° at a certain minimum speed, depending on the total weight of the ship with equipment, engine and passengers.

Characteristic lines (contours) of the modern planing motor boat

To motor boats (motor boats)   All commercially produced pleasure craft with outboard motors are included. Motorboats are also called home-made vessels with low-power stationary outboard engines, operated in a displacement mode. Such boats of local construction, in contrast to gliding, have relatively smooth contours.
Boats - These are small vessels with a stationary engine. Service boats can be built for operation in gliding and displacement modes of motion. Boats of increased seaworthiness have a deck, cockpit, superstructure.

Nautical motor boats and boats   usually 6–8 m long with boat (displacement) contours, intended for navigation on open water spaces and in the mouths of large rivers, are called bots or motor bots and various local names.

Motor sailing bot   - Bots usually have a superstructure and a stationary engine. Bots that have both engine and sailing equipment are called motor-sailing bots (Fig. 3). Bots are divided depending on the tasks that they perform, on the pilot, fishing, rescue, diving, etc.

All rowing and engine small boats, which are the regular floating craft of ships and vessels of all types of fleet, belong to the boats. They serve for the rescue of people, transport (communication with the coast and other vessels, etc.) and special (delivery of anchors, outboard and other work) purposes. Therefore, the boats are called - rescue, workers, etc.

Yachts   - it is, first of all, sailing, as well as motor, motor-sailing vessels of various sizes designed for water recreation, tourism and sports. From here is a motor yacht, motor sailing and just sailing.

   Gliding is a motorized vessel with redans
  - transverse ledges on the bottom (more often one, less often several). Single racing speedboats with outboard engines are called scooters. If a small size vessel has underwater wings to increase its speed, then it is usually called a boat (motorboat) on underwater wings.

This article-letter reflects the problem of applying the characters of GIMS numbers of a standard height of 15 cm on small inflatable boats.

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    A concise photo report on how to glue the numbers of PVC fabric on an inflatable boat in the field

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    A brief and clear description of the stencils, their composition, the difference between them. Description of paint Maraplan PL for applying board numbers GIMS roller swab

  • Classification of small vessels

    The small fleet of Russia contains dozens of types of small vessels, which are classified mainly by their operational and design features. The ships of small fleet are mainly designed for water-motor, rowing, sailing, as well as used to solve various national economic tasks:

    • Transportation of people and goods
    • Rescue, hydrographic operations
    • Inspection and protection of water resources

    Requirements for small vessels, depending on the destination

    • Sports (racing) vessels.
      The main quality of a sports vessel is high speed, which it develops under certain conditions in the water area of ​​races. Seaworthiness of such vessels is usually limited, not to mention comfort. The only exceptions are cruising and racing yachts, which are used for long competitions on the high seas; they have the appropriate seaworthiness and habitability.
    • Pleasure boats.
      Used for short voyages, the duration of which usually does not exceed two days. Passenger capacity of such boats is from two to six people; To accommodate them, the vessel must have a sufficiently comfortable and spacious cockpit. The crew is protected from the weather by a removable folding or rigid tent (in foreign terminology - a hardtop) or a small shelter-room, equipped in the bow of the vessel. On motorized pleasure boats, only a minimum fuel reserve is calculated, calculated for 100–120 km.
    • Tourist ships.
      They are intended for more or less long voyages and should possess, in addition to the required habitability, seaworthy qualities corresponding to the meteorological conditions in the water area of ​​the navigation route. This category of vessels can be classified as collapsible canoes and canoes, which serve only as a means of movement on the water, and seaworthy cruising yachts, the habitability of which provides for an autonomous and comfortable stay on board the crew for many days and sometimes months.
    • Boats for amateur fishing and hunting.
      These boats can be attributed to a fairly wide range of vessels, from single inflatable and collapsible boats to high-speed motorboats, in which residents of large cities go fishing 50-100 km from the city limits. In the latter case, it is important that the boat has a sufficiently high speed and the necessary nautical qualities - then the path to the fishing spot does not take much time and is guaranteed to return home when the weather worsens.
      An important property of small vessels intended for hunting is high permeability in the conditions of shallow water and reed beds, the possibility of their easy masking. In some cases, preference is given to transportability, allowing the use of certain types of transport - from the bus to the passenger car - to deliver the boat to any isolated lake. Both for fishing and hunting boats, the possibility of silent movement is important - be it oars, an outboard electric motor, etc.
    • Floating houses, at home.
      This is a separate type of vessels adapted for a long rest on them in the mode of parking near the coast and small crossings under favorable conditions in the water area. Sometimes floatings are not self-propelled and are towed to the place of anchorage by another vessel. As a rule, vessels of this type have a room height in full height of a person, equipped with an open area - a solarium, and have a small draft.
    • Finally, many small vessels are used by the population, especially in rural areas, for economic traveling, transporting hay, various agricultural products, firewood, and also small livestock. For such boats, sufficient capacity and capacity, high stability, reliability and efficiency of the engine are of paramount importance. They do not require comfortable seats, windscreen and even an awning. One of the best options are motorized boats of local types, well adapted to specific conditions of the water area.
    • Rowing pleasure boats are often used for tourism, and because of the need to accommodate a tent, hiking gear and supplies, the number of people on board is limited.

    Classification by type of mover

      Note: (propulsion, this is a device that converts the engine torque, energy into force - the stop moving the vessel)
    • motor boats with a propeller;
    • propeller motor ships;
    • motor boats with jet engine;
    • motor boats with paddle wheels.

    Note that the sail and the oars are also the movers that transform the first - wind energy, and the second - the muscular strength of a person to stop.

    By the nature of the movement, small vessels are displacement, i.e. floating at a relatively low speed when the vessel is held near the surface of the water due to the static supporting force; gliding, supported when moving hydrodynamic forces acting on the bottom; hydrofoil vessels, the hydrodynamic forces on which lift the vessel above the water; hovercraft (SVP) and aerodynamic unloading (WIG). There are also transitional vessels in which both types of support forces are operating - static and hydrodynamic.

    Small vessels supervised by navigation and technical inspections for small fleets are classified according to the minimum surface height, permissible wave height in the water area and distance from the coast (Table 1). In exceptional cases, individual vessels may be released on the sea up to 5 points and in an area other than the table. Table 1

    Ship class Minimum freeboard Sea state score Wave height, m Distance from shore, m
    The first 250 up to 1 0,50 1000
    Second 350 up to 2 0,75 3000
    Third 600 until 3 1,25 6000

    Depending on the navigation area, vessels supervised by the River Register are divided into four classes: M, O, P and L. Class M vessels are designed for navigation in conditions close to the sea, with a wave height of up to 3 m 40 m long. rivers - Northern Dvina, Ob, Yenisei; sea ​​bays; Lake type Ladoga and Onega. Ships of this class are allowed to sail at wind strength not exceeding 6 on the Beaufort scale.

    Class O vessels are allowed to sail in lake conditions at wave heights up to 2 m and length up to 20 m, for example, in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, Rybinsk and Tsimlyansky reservoirs, the Dnieper - Bug estuary, the Curonian lagoon, etc.

    Class P vessels are designed for navigation at a wavelength of 1.2 m and a length of 12.5 m in conditions of large rivers such as the Volga, Don, medium-sized lakes (Chudskoye, Ilmen, Ivankovo ​​reservoir). Access to the lake is allowed with a wind strength of not more than 6 points on the Beaufort scale.

    Class L vessels are allowed to sail on small rivers and lakes only with slight agitation.

    Vessels allowed to sail in the sea are subdivided depending on the area of ​​navigation on ships of unrestricted (ocean) navigation, sea, ships of coastal sea navigation, raid and port vessels.

    Depending on the organization controlling its technical condition and operational safety, the navigation area of ​​each vessel is established by the Register of the Russian Federation, the River Register, navigation and technical inspections of the small fleet or the technical commission of the Federation of Sailing Sports of the Russian Federation.

    By design, small vessels can be of open (deckless) type, partly surface and deck-mounted.

    In the presence of a cabin, vessels are distinguished with logging shelters that have the minimum dimensions of the cabin; ships with deck superstructures stretching from side to side (most often with a nose superstructure -bak) and logging vessels (when the transverse walls are not brought to the sides of the vessel). Large yachts that do not have logging and superstructures are called smooth decks.

    Depending on the base material of the hull, small vessels can be metal (steel or light aluminum alloy), wooden (plywood, veneered), plastic (including fiberglass, polyethylene and other thermoplastic materials), reinforced cement and made of rubberized fabric. If the hull is constructed of various materials (for example, with wooden lining on a steel set), then the vessel is said to have a composite structure.

    According to the hull design, small vessels are inflatable, rigid, non-separable and collapsible. In turn, among vessels of collapsible construction, vessels are sectional, folding, with soft plating and of a combined type (for example, with a rigid bottom and sides of fabric; with a collapsible frame and inflatable sides, etc.).

    Small vessels may have a wide variety of contours, thanks to which they best adapt to the operating conditions. According to the shape of the mid-frame, there are round and sharp vessels. In the first case, the transition of the bottom to the sides is carried out on a smooth curve, in the second - there is an angle, a clearly defined sharp edge - the cheekbone. In some cases, ship hulls may have combined contours, for example, round bows are used to achieve high seaworthy qualities in the bow, and in the aft one, to improve stability or reduce the running trim, the contours with sharp cheekbones.

    According to the shape of the bow, vessels with a sharp stem, with a nasal transom, and luge formations are distinguished.

    According to the stern shape, there are vessels with a transom, with a whale (sharp) stern, with cruising stern, with a stern valance and with a tunnel bypass of the stern.

    The sharp-winged gliding hulls are distinguished by a wide variety of different types of contours - these are flat and curved - keeled contours, monohedron, with board sponsons, trimarans, sea sleds, etc. A separate group consists of two-hull catamaran ships. Sometimes gliding motor vessels of this type are called tunnel.

    By this resolution, the concept of "small size vessel" was included in the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses, which was previously contained only in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the concept of "small size vessel" is correlated with this definition in the rules of navigation on inland waterways of the Economic Commission for Europe.

    Let's go over the definitions

    In the Federal Law (On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the definition of the concept of a small-size vessel (N 36-FZ of April 3, 2012):

    3. In this Code, a small-sized vessel is a vessel whose length should not exceed twenty meters and the total number of people on it should not exceed twelve.

    4. A pleasure boat in this Code means a vessel whose total number of people must not exceed eighteen, including no more than twelve passengers, and which is used for non-commercial purposes and is intended for recreation on water bodies.

    5. In this Code, a sports sailing vessel is a vessel built or converted for sports, using wind power as the main driving force and operated for non-commercial purposes. Regarding the issue of ship dimensions, the letter of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 15-19-1592 of May 25, 2012 comes to the rescue: With regard to the procedure for determining the length of a ship, necessary for classifying a ship as small-sized (recreational), the term “Overall dimensions of the ship” should be used, which in accordance with GOST 1062-80 "Dimensions of surface ships and vessels are the main terms, definitions and letter designations" means the overall dimensions of the vessel, taking into account the constantly protruding parts.

    • “The explanation of the management of the GIMS EMERCOM of Russia in connection with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 36-FZ” in paragraph 6 says:
    • "The mass of the vessel is determined in accordance with GOST 19356-79" Pleasure rowing and motor vessels. Test methods ”, in which clause states:
    • “The mass of a vessel fully stocked with ship devices and supplies should be determined by weighting.”

    In accordance with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 05-04-1654 dated May 16, 2012, the registration of small vessels is carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the register of small vessels. At the same time issued a ship ticket.

    Small vessels engaged in commercial activities and recreational vessels with a length of more than 20 meters shall be classified and surveyed in the PPP and RMRS with the issuance of an act of classification and certification. State registration is carried out by the captain of the seaport or by the state basin directorates of waterways and navigation. It also issued a ship ticket.

    The instruction eliminates discrepancies regarding the delimitation of navigation areas. Ships of mixed (river-sea) navigation are registered by the captains of the seaports.

    Also in accordance with the law: boats and other floating equipment that are accessories of the vessel, vessels weighing up to 200 kilograms inclusively and with an engine power (if installed) up to 8 kilowatts inclusive, and sports sailing ships whose length is not subject to state registration are not subject to state registration. exceed 9 meters, which do not have engines and on which there are no places for recreation.

    On the one hand, some relaxation in the law is undoubtedly a plus. Owners of the old "Kazan" and "Krymov", as well as sports clubs can feel freer.

    Although, 8 kilowatts is almost 11 hp. and such a motor installed on a lightweight PVC boat of 3-4 meters length or a boat with a rigid (gliding) hull of up to 60 kg (with a steering weight of up to 100 kg) will give a speed of more than 33 km / h. At the same time to control a small vessel with a motor power of more than 5 liters. with. a certificate is required for the right to control a small-sized vessel (Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia dated July 21, 2009 No. 423). In accordance with the law: boats and other floating equipment that are accessories of a vessel, a vessel weighing up to 200 kg inclusive are not subject to state registration.

    Moreover, by easing the law, it seems that the unfinished project to create a single base for stolen and hijacked boats and engines fails. If there is no registration, no numbers, then there is no accounting. And in most cases, not big yachts are stolen, but boats and boats with outboard motors.

    In the same prescription of the Ministry of Transport of Russia (No. 15-19-1592) in paragraph 2 it says:

    When deciding on the jurisdiction of the classification and certification of small-sized vessels of the GIMS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia or PPP, take into account the purpose of using a small-sized vessel - commercial or non-commercial, which the shipowner declares in writing.

    And what if a future shipowner buys boats of the category for commercial activity that do not require registration and certification, for example, for boat stations? And if registration is required, will the shipowner go with these boats to the River Register?

    The question concerning sports sailing yachts arises especially, according to simplified European standards, small-sized sports vessels should be up to 24 meters long, and just such boats are of interest to the Russians, who bring them from abroad. So it turns out that the ship is sporting, it is easier to build, and our Registries are engaged in the examination of it, whose requirements are much stricter and the equipment for the boats before them is technically impossible.

    The explanation on this part says:

    Sports sailing vessel, regardless of size (except for sports sailing vessels not subject to state registration) - classification and survey carried out by PPP or RMRS with the issuance of the act of classification and examination, state registration by the captain of the seaport or GBUVPiS, issued a ship ticket, and the mixed court (river-sea) navigation is recorded by the captains of the seaports.

    Without paper you are a bug

    On the documents required for registration of the vessel, says Konstantin Fedorovich Pashinsky, the former head of the GIMS of St. Petersburg:

    “Here, I am a private person, I bought myself a 21 meter long boat. Must register it either in the River Register or in the sea. But in general - this is my private boat. Previously, we prepared navigators in schools, we ourselves gave them certificates. And now what should be the documents? He walks the river and the sea. Before the law was passed, we had our own navigational documents for non-professionals. That is, a person completes monthly / two-month courses, takes exams, certifies and gives documents. Now I am in the River or Maritime Register and must have professional documents. What do I need for this "Makarovka" to finish? "

    For more than two years, the adopted law contains contradictions that come into dispute both with common sense and with already existing rules of using small-size vessels that have been tested for more than one decade. Time passes, people work, the situation does not change. Of course, Soviet laws containing norms, conditions of those times require changes, however, both theorists and people who directly understand their practical application must work on them. Perhaps, for the less painful entry into force of these laws, it is worthwhile to submit them for public discussion before the action begins, and not after that.

    erkas.ru - boat arrangement. Rubber and plastic. Boat Motors