Penalty for managing a motor boat without a license. Tips for beginners to manage a motor boat

Today there is little fishing or hunting without using motorboat. Experienced fishermen who buy fur vests here and hunters who have eaten more than one pound of salt, can perfectly control the motor boat. But newcomers to this hobby usually have no idea about the boat and its management on the water. Misconception is that the boat drives like a car. The force of friction of a boat on the water is much less than the wheels of a car on asphalt. And also under water there are no obstructions (stones, snags, shoals) as seen on the road (pits, stones). Therefore, before getting into a boat with an important view of an experienced driver, you should know a few obvious rules for controlling a motor boat:

Availability of a certificate for the right to control watercraft with outboard motors.

Such a certificate can be obtained in the management of GIMS, after having been trained and tested under this program.

The presence of an experienced boatmaster nearby.

The presence of an experienced driver is desirable during the first five independent boat trips. In various extreme situations (engine failure, water flow, boat running aground), an experienced boatmaster will help to fully assess the situation and suggest the best solution.

Check availability repair kit and rowing oars.

When checking the equipment in the boat it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of rowing oars and a set of repair keys. In the event of a motor breakdown, only the oars will help to reach the shore, and only with the help of keys you can fix minor engine damage.

Check drain plug.

Before launching the boat it is necessary to check the drain plug for tightness. If the cork does not fit tightly to the hull of the boat, water may flow inwards. Early detection of water flow will help avoid a number of problems.

Life vest.

When aboard the boat, all people should be wearing life jackets. This is not only the rules of GIMS, but also the first security measure when falling overboard.

Fuel stock.

Before sailing it is important to check the amount of fuel. In this case, it is advisable to adhere to the rule of three: one third of the fuel for the trip, one third for the return back and one third for the reserve.

Air valve fuel tank.

Before starting the engine, check the air valve on the fuel tank. It must be open, otherwise when creating a vacuum in the tank while the engine is running, the fuel supply to the engine may stop.

Handle travel in neutral.

Before starting the engine, it is necessary to make sure that the handle is in a neutral position. When the handle is positioned “forward” or “backward”, the motorboat can move during the engine start. This may cause a person to fall overboard.

Warming up the motor.

After launch outboard motor   should some time to warm it. During the warm-up of the engine should not untie the boat from the shore (dock).

Knowledge of the navigation area.

Before setting off, any skipper is required to know the navigation area in which the motorboat will move. This is a guarantee of security. Any body of water has its pitfalls, snags and shoals. Hitting one of these hazards can not only lead to engine damage, but also threaten the safety of passengers.

Management at a wave.

While traveling at large waves (0.5–1 m), the boat should be held by the bow into the wave, thus cutting the waves. When the wave beating in the side, there is a danger of a coup of the boat.

Abandoning sharp turns.

When driving on a motor boat should not make sharp turns to the side. Such turns may cause the boat to tip over.

When traveling on navigable bodies of water, it is necessary to steer further from the vessels, since their navigation and inertial forces can affect the movement of the boat. This can lead to the boat tipping over or tightening under another vessel.

The divergence of the left sides.

Discrepancy with counter small craft   allowed only left sides (Rules of Navigation on GDP). Few motor boatmen follow this rule.

Navigating in a motorboat is not only interesting and exciting, but also a very dangerous and responsible method of movement on the water. Therefore, self-control of a motorboat should be approached after a certain amount of training and practice.

Control pvc boat   in stormy weather
When driving a motor boat on a wave, you should pay close attention to the uniform loading of the vessel. At the same time, passengers should not sit on the cylinders, as a person who fell overboard can fall under the bottom of the boat or under the screw outboard motor.

The movement of the PVC boat at an angle to the wave
Regulating the movement of the motor boat on the wave, it is recommended to direct the hull at an angle to the waves, moving tacks. This option is considered the most secure. If the boat digs into the water and practically stops, it is necessary to ensure uniform distribution of cargo in the cockpit.

Tiller control when moving forward
It is important to know that the PVC boat is controlled by the stern movement. That is why the motor tiller (the stern of the vessel) must be turned in the opposite direction to the vector of the desired movement. If the motor dramatically increases the speed when cornering, then it is necessary to adjust the height of its installation.

Features of maneuvering with the course back
It must be remembered that the rotation of a motor boat with the included reverse gear of the engine is performed in a completely different way than that of a ship whose engine moves it forward. In this case, everything happens as shown in the diagram above. When turning the tiller to the left, the PVC boat feed will also turn to the left.

Recommendations for access to gliding
In most cases, competently done by the owner of the vessel, weighing equipment in the cockpit of a PVC boat provides the optimum trim for the hull and becomes a guarantee of a quick exit to gliding, as well as helps to improve handling and reduce fuel consumption during cruising.

While driving a PVC boat under the motor, its right side can move slightly to the left. This is a typical phenomenon for motorboats with V-shaped hulls, so there is no reason for concern. However, in spite of everything, after the first launch of the vessel, try to test it in motion, gradually increasing speed, getting used to the control features of this kit.

If your boat “sits down” astern while slamming its bottom over the waves, choose the optimum tilt angle of the deadwood of the outboard motor, which will immediately affect the trim of the vessel. If during a cruising course on a plane, there is a spray fountain as aft, this is because the engine is set too low. To correct the height of the outboard motor suspension, you can use a special lining for.

Pay attention to the trim boat

If during the control the motorboat on the move has excessive trim on the stern at cruising speed or is delphinating, then you need to stop and move part of the equipment and passengers to the front of the cockpit. You can also try to achieve the desired result by tilting the outboard motor out (i.e., pressing the deadwood of the motor against the transom). If during the movement the PVC boat has a trim on the nose, that is, it is buried in the water, perform the reverse actions.

Optimum distribution of cargo in the cockpit

Proper distribution of cargo on board is a guarantee not only of the smooth running of the motorboat, but also of comfortable control. You should not focus all the cargo on board at the stern or in the bow of the boat, especially if you have a heavy motor with high weight and outboard. But with proper distribution of cargo in the boat, it is necessary to consider not only this, but also the type of boat. The ideal distribution in each case is achieved empirically.

Motorboat control in stormy weather

If your boat of PVC on the river, in the sea or on a large lake hit the strong wind, accompanied by waves, then for effective management follow these rules:

  • Reduce the speed of the motorboat to the minimum at which control can be maintained. Remember that the hull has a large sail.
  • Do not panic and keep calm. Check once again whether passengers are keeping securely in the cockpit, whether the equipment is well secured on board.
  • Gently driving a PVC boat, try to find a bay or other protected place to shelter from the waves.
  • If there is none, stay away from the coast, because if the motor stalls, during a strong surf the boat or deadwood of the outboard motor can break on the coastal cliffs.
  • Driving a motor boat, lead the ship with its bow at an angle to the waves. To move in this case is recommended zigzag.
  • In a storm, too much water accumulates in the boat and the likelihood of a drain hole will increase. Therefore, at the first opportunity, try to clean the drain valve located on the vessel's transom.

The basics of managing a PVC motor boat

It should be remembered that, like boats, all motorboats are controlled by the movement of the stern. This means that the stern needs to be turned in the opposite direction to the desired movement. For example, when turning the handwheel to the left, the PVC boat will move to the right and vice versa. This is especially important to keep in mind when driving a PVC boat at the approach to the pier, when maneuvering in tight spaces or near people in the water. If the boat is equipped with two motors, it is possible to start one motor forward and turn on the reverse gear on the other, which will allow you to turn the hull almost in place.

It is important to know that the steering of a motor boat with reverse gear engaged is not at all done in the same way as in a ship whose engine drives it forward. Moving in reverse, it is especially difficult to maneuver in tight spaces. In general, when the reverse gear is on, turning the handwheel to the left will turn the stern to the left too. If the vessel is equipped with two motors, and the starboard engine is turned forward, and the left engine is turned back, the boat will turn counterclockwise.

To quickly stop the motorboat, move the gear selector to neutral position. When the engine goes to idle, slowly move the gear selector to the reverse position. When the vessel stops, move the gas regulator to a neutral position.

When driving a PVC boat, approach the swimmer in the water as carefully as possible. This can only be done with the engine at idle. Take the stern away from the person. At a distance of several meters from the swimmer, the gear selector should be switched to neutral and the engine off.

Pvc boat control at gliding

For a long-term and sustainable gliding of a motorboat, it is necessary that the hull of the vessel, when moving, has a small trim (approximately 1-3 °) on the stern. This is achieved by the optimal location of the cargo in the boat, as well as by changing the installation angle (tilt) of the motor. It must be remembered that the correct loading of the PVC boat in combination with the correct inclination of the motor will guarantee the desired controllability of the motorboat and the minimum fuel consumption at cruising speed.

If during the control of a PVC motor boat in one or several of its inflatable shells, the pressure has noticeably dropped, this may be a consequence of a decrease in air temperature, for example, in the case when the movement takes place in the evening after a hot sunny day. In this case, it is necessary to stop and pump up the cylinders with the pump from the basic configuration. In this case, if the pressure fell only in one of the shells, inspect it for damage or check the operation of the air valve. If there is a puncture in the surface of the material, it is quite possible to hold it in field conditions.

To assess the capabilities and handling characteristics of the Badger pvc motorboats, look at this video.

5.3. Features of operation of inflatable boats.

So, the boat is ready to sail. How to exploit it? Let us first discuss the general issues of the operation of inflatable boats. Any voyage begins from departure from the coast. Unfortunately, many boat owners seek to quickly begin a tourist trip, to reach the cherished backwater, to throw the bait in a favorite place and ... lose their vigilance when departing from the coast. It's a pity, because the bottom of reservoirs, especially unfamiliar ones, is sometimes covered with broken glass, metal cans, and snags. The most dangerous remains of dead shrubs from the bitter-salt water in the waters of Central Asia. In the summer months of the year, the water level in these bodies of water decreases as a result of intensive evaporation of water. As soon as the water leaves, dead shrubs come to life with a strong root system, giving young growth. In the fall, when this growth gets under water, it dies, leaving tough knots that are dangerous for the shell. inflatable boats. Increased attention is also needed when passing the timber-floating rivers and rivers that become shallow in summer. They, as a rule, are littered with logs, snags, snags. When meeting with such items the boat may be damaged. A similar situation may occur when returning back.

It is better to do the mooring and mooring against the current. In calm water, this is done in one smooth turn, on a turbulent river, you should use the backwaters behind the stones, the projections of the shore. With a strong agitation, going ashore and sailing away from it are the most difficult stages of the journey. To carry them out, one must choose places in shallow water with sandy and pebble beaches, and not near rocky or rocky shores.

Thus, the following should be remembered:to depart from the shore and approach it you need to slowly, carefully, carefully inspecting the bottom of the reservoir.

When swimming, it is also important to be careful, especially in shallow water in unfamiliar and littered bodies of water, and to watch objects sticking out of the water. If you need to swap places in a boat, then it must be done slowly, so as not to bank the boat. Changing places in an unstable boat is necessary only near the shore. Placed in a boat should be only on the regular seats, accommodation on board can lead to turning the boat. It is necessary to go from the boat to the boat without sudden movements. It is impossible to jump from the boat to the shore or the bridge, because a person during a jump with reliance on borg due to the insignificant mass of the boat will push it aside and end up in the water.

Due to low precipitation, large sail areas and low mass, inflatable rowboats, especially of small size, are subject to demolition under the influence of wind and waves, therefore, in large open reservoirs dominated by wind and waves, care must be taken to monitor wind strength and direction. and wave height. The degree of excitement and wave height can be roughly determined visually by the characteristic features of the water surface ( tab. 5.1). Each owner must know the permissible wave height for his boat specified in the Operating Manual and, depending on it, make a decision on the possibility of using the boat.

The most dangerous wind in the waters of Central Asia. A rare day is issued here without wind. Strong wind creates large waves, which in deep places can be gentle, and at the coast they become high, forming a surf. It should be borne in mind that in a strong wind, especially blowing from the shore, at a considerable wave height it is very difficult to row on an inflatable boat. In this case, the boat is better to turn nose or stern to the wave.

The height of the waves in reservoirs usually reaches 2.5 - 3.0 m, on lakes 3.5 m. On rivers and canals, the wave height is usually less than 0.6 m, but sometimes (usually during the spring water period) it can reach 1 m. When weather deteriorates, it is most prudent to stay closer to the shore. Small rowing boats should not be operated far from the coast at all. It is not recommended to use inflatable boats in the area of ​​the fairway of reservoirs, especially in the dark and during fog. But if you still have to swim in such conditions, then you need to have a signal color electric light.

Consider the specific features of the operation of rowing, motor and sailing inflatable boats.

When rowing in an inflatable boat with an oar supported on board, the rower sits with his back to the movement, and in rowing with a paddle - just like on an inflatable kayak, facing the movement. The finger grip on the paddle should be free, without tension. To create an emphasis when rowing, the legs are slightly bent at the knees and abut against the inflatable board, seat, support projections or lead under the board. An inflatable boat can be used by anyone with a certain skill and rowing skills. Since the inflatable boat has a tendency to yaw and drift, rowing on it should be short strokes, because in this case it slides easily on the water and better kept on the course.

If for some reason sailing on a boat takes place alone away from the coast, in strong winds or during fast currents, it is recommended to tie the end of the nose faline to the body, since if a person accidentally falls into the water, the boat can be quickly attributed to him.

Everyone who uses an inflatable rubber boat knows that on one anchor it is very unstable, it is “carried” by the wind, and the installation of two anchors is difficult. And yet there is a reliable single-anchor version of the boat. For this, the halyard is passed into the side rings on the balloons and tied so that a triangle with a side length of approximately two meters is formed. At the free end of the halyard anchor is attached. By moving the halyard in the rings, one obtains the desired position of the boat in which the wind or current will hold it. As a result, it becomes possible to set the boat at different angles to the wind or current and thereby increase, for example, the fishing area.

A person with the skills to control a rigid motorboat can easily control an inflatable motorboat, the characteristic features of operation of which are small inertia of turn and small circulation radius of 2 - 3 lengths boat hull, as well as great sensitivity to the placement of cargo along the length of the cockpit. An inflatable motorboat during acceleration, as a rule, gains a significant difference in the stern. The angle of the running trim during acceleration on motorboats with engines of 14.7 - 22.1 kW (10-15 hp) reaches 30 °, and the observers at the first moment have the impression that it will turn over now, but it takes quite a bit time, and the boat quickly goes to gliding. When planing, the angle of the steering trim does not exceed 1 ° 30 "and the boat literally" creep "on the water.

On    rice 5.14 and 5.15   shows the dependencies of the angle of the steering trim and the speed of the rotational speed of the propeller motor for inflatable motorboats Orion-8 and Orion-15, equipped with Veterok-8 and Veterok-14 motors with standard propellers and having two on board the passenger. As can be seen from the figures, the trim, having reached a maximum in the swimming mode, begins to decrease sharply in the transitional mode and becomes minimal and constant in the planing mode. The steady planing mode at the Orion-8 boat starts from 4000 1 / min, and at the Orion-15 - from 3500 1 / min.

When operating an inflatable motorboat, it should be borne in mind that due to the small inertia of the stroke when the engine is instantly stopped, the stern wave can catch up with the boat and sweep it through the notch in the transom. Therefore, the braking of inflatable boats should be carried out smoothly, gradually dropping the speed of rotation of the engine. It is not necessary to keep the boat heading straight for large waves, it is better to alternately substitute one or the other side at an angle to the wave. Turning should be carried out smoothly, slowly reducing the engine rotational speed, as with a sharp turn, the water pulling out from under the end of the outer cylinder turns the inner cylinder and floods the boat through the transom.

Load, engine power and engine speed affect motorboat speed    (see fig. 5.15). Increasing the power of the motor invariably gives an increase in speed with any loading options. At the same time, the change in load significantly affects the speed only on boats with low power motors. On boats with medium and high power motors, the load has a smaller effect on speed, as their power well enough to provide gliding even when fully loaded. Heavy-duty inflatable boats with powerful engines allow you to develop high speed with one or three passengers on board, but with a further increase in load, their speed drops significantly.

The owner of an inflatable motorboat must clearly understand how speed, fuel consumption, engine life, distance traveled are interconnected, and correctly select their optimum ratios, depending on the goals and operating conditions. Increasing the rotational speed is not always proportional to the increase in speed, distance traveled and fuel consumption.

Although inflatable boats in the efficiency of the use of sails can not be compared with rigid boats, they are quite suitable for tourism and recreation, holding regattas of various ranks. They can learn all the rules of the management of sails. However, for successful sailing on an inflatable sailing boat, even the smallest, with the simplest sailing arms requires special training.

The sailing boat is operated by shears and steering or steering oars    (fig. 5.16).   The wheel can keep the sailing boat on course, change course by shifting the rudder from the center plane to the left or right side, deploy or slow down the movement of the boat. The effectiveness of the rudder is determined by the speed of the boat and the angle of deflection of the rudder from the center plane. Any deviation of the steering, causing a braking effect, reduces the speed of the boat. Repositioning the steering wheel at an angle greater than 20 ° reduces the speed of the boat significantly, therefore, when steering a sailing boat using the steering wheel, you should choose the optimal angle of its deflection so that at this speed ensure a precise maneuver with minimal loss of speed.

An inflatable sailing boat, like any other sailing vessel, cannot go straight upwind, for this it is necessary to resort to tacking. Depending on the sailing armament, the boat may follow the following courses.    (fig. 5.17): fordevind (passing wind blowing in the stern); Gulfwind (the wind blows straight into the side); backstay (wind blowing in the stern at an acute angle); Bidewind (wind blowing in the nose at an acute angle). In all courses, except the forvinda, the inflatable boat drifts and rolls, which is inherent only in a boat with a sailing propeller. The speed of an inflatable sailboat depends on the strength of the wind, the course of the boat relative to the wind, the design and type of sailing equipment, the sail area and the helmsman’s skills.

It is difficult to give advice on the management of an inflatable sailing boat with different types of sails, however, you can list a few basic rules that the helmsman needs to remember before setting sail on an inflatable boat. Before operation sailing boat   It is recommended to test in advance the sailing equipment under the guidance of an experienced yachtsman, who will help to master the intricacies of control and eliminate deficiencies in the design of the chosen sail. To reduce the sail to carry the boat into the water must be lowered sail. Before sailing, check the steering wheel, court tails, mountings of the sheets and files. Having sailed from the coast with the help of the paddles to the depth at which the swerzas can be put, the oars should be laid in the cockpit so that in an emergency situation they can be quickly used.

Sails should not be raised high above the board in order to avoid capsizing the boat in case of strong gusts of wind. When controlling the sail, the sheets should always be straightened, they should be held in hands, not winding and not fixing the details of the boat hull, otherwise a sudden strong gust of wind can put the boat on the water. If a gust of wind strongly heels the boat on its side, then it is necessary to slacken (weaken) the shells, partially de-winding the sail, fix the halyards, carefully placing them so that in case of a strong gust of wind or an emergency they can be given instantly, i.e. . Sailing is necessary so that they are always filled with wind, and not rinsed (clapped) in the wind. People should be placed in a boat on the windward side (on the side from which the wind blows) and sit as low as possible.

During sailing, weather conditions have a greater effect on the route than on other water trips. The wind is not only the driving force, but also determines the state of the surface of the reservoir. Therefore, the development of the route is impossible without studying the wind-wave regime in the water area. Each section of the reservoir has its own winds. The nature and direction of the winds are determined on special maps by the wind diagram, called the wind rose. When swimming, especially in shallow water and approaching the coast, you need to monitor the depth in order to remove the shvertsy and the steering wheel in time. Since the wind direction, especially near the shore and in inland waters, never remains constant, it is necessary to have a pennant that will help you choose the right course when changing the wind direction. For safety reasons, inflatable sailing boats are recommended to be operated in light, moderate and rarely fresh wind. Roughly the strength and speed of the wind can be determined on a scale for a visual assessment of the strength of the wind.    (table 5.2).

To determine the wind speed in the measurement range from O to 44.8 m / s with a measurement accuracy of ± 3%, or ± 0.1 m / s, in the United States produce an electronic anemometer of the type of a turbo meter, which is a combination of a pocket calculator and a sensitive turntables - impellers that rotate in sapphire bearings. The rotational speed of the turntable is measured and converted to digital readings on the instrument display. The device is powered from three small-sized elements with a voltage of 1.5 V. The dimensions of the turbometer 118 x 66 x 29.5 mm, weight 85 g.

Inflatable boats, converted by amateurs into sailing and not having a rudder and elements that reduce drift, can only be used with a weak or moderate tailwind blowing in the stern (fordevind course), since the wind blowing from the side and at an angle will cause a strong drift and can knock over the boat.

The movement of inflatable boats under sail at night is unacceptable. Each crew member of a sailing inflatable boat must be in a lifejacket.

Any boat, including an inflatable boat, is not insured against possible damage and turning over. If the shell is damaged (a minor puncture, incision, tear, etc.), resulting in a leakage and reduced buoyancy of the boat, people sitting in the boat must remain calm. The first minutes after the accident are always the most unpleasant: it seems that the air is rapidly coming not from one compartment, but from the entire inflatable balloon and the remaining volume of air in the intact compartments is not enough to keep the boat afloat. In fact, it is not. Within a few minutes, the air stops coming out of the damaged compartment, since the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure inside the bead is negligible. In other intact compartments, the pressure remains almost unchanged and can be reduced only by bending the partition in the other direction.

If an accident occurs, you must first find out the cause of the air leakage, the nature of the damage and decide on the place and time of the repair. In case of minor damage, it is possible to reduce air leakage by closing the opening with a rubber stopper or temporary patch of adhesive tape, and continue swimming until the first stop, where it is convenient to repair. If one of the compartments is seriously damaged, there is a noticeable pressure drop in the whole chamber.

To ensure non-flooding, for example, low rowboat   with two compartments formed by vertical partitions, the damaged half should be bent into the boat on an inflatable seat: it serves as a jumper, preventing water from entering the boat. If possible, care should be taken not to pull out the filling valve, to pump up the whole compartments.

If the nasal compartment of the inflatable motor boat with a keel and wooden floorboards that give it longitudinal and lateral rigidity is damaged, to ensure unsinkability it is also necessary to bend the nose, reset the propeller speed, differentiate the boat correctly so that water does not overflow through the nose. If the stern compartment of the U-shaped motor boat is damaged, you can reach the coast under the motor at low speed. In the O-shaped boats, in a similar case, it is better to remove the engine from the transom, put it in the cockpit, move the gas tank and heavy things from the stern to the bow and swim to the shore at the oars.

If the inflatable hull of the sailing boat is damaged, you should immediately lower the sail, raise the tuskor or dagger and keep heading for the shore.

If water enters the cockpit through a hole in the bottom, measures must be taken to reduce the flow of water by covering the damage with an inflatable seat or other suitable object. At the same time, one should not be particularly concerned, since if the requirements for the carrying capacity of the boat are observed, the water level will not exceed half the height of the side, which will make it possible to bring the boat to the shore without much difficulty.

When you turn the boat, which often happens in tourist travels, you must first try to return the boat to its original position. To do this, grab with your hands over the bottom of the farthest board and pull it towards you with a jerk, and if the boat does not turn over, then you should hold onto the boat's rail or climb onto the bottom and swim with it to the shore. - boat arrangement. Rubber and plastic. Boat Motors